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Suite 908
Cincinnati, OH 45202

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600 Vine St.
Suite 908
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Cincinnati Office

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Disclaimer: Attorneys James C. Crowley and Neil J. Roth who are featured in the above videos both retired in 2023 and are no longer practicing with the firm. Mr. Ahlers is the only one of these three attorneys who is currently practicing with the firm. The videos featuring Mr. Crowley and Mr. Roth are for informational purposes only and Mr. Ahlers does not want anyone to think that either Mr. Crowley or Mr. Roth are still practicing with the firm.


Photo of Professionals at Crowley Ahlers & Roth Co LPA

Left to right, Edward Ahlers, Neil Roth, James Crowley*
(*Attorneys Neil Roth and James Crowley retired in mid-2023.)

Crowley Ahlers & Roth Co LPA represents clients throughout the Greater Cincinnati metro and surrounding areas of Ohio.